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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this for you?
    Are you as healthy as you would like to be? You have the right to respectful, courteous care. By working together our aim would be to discover and attend to the underlying causes of any disease or imbalance, consequently giving rise to true healing. You are a unique individual and therefore require a health guide specific to your needs. Many times, dietary and lifestyle changes are essential to true healing and to facilitate the therapeutic response of natural compounds and herbs. A willingness to change and grow, being open to new ideas and lifestyle changes facilitates and maximizes your healing ability. You are responsible for your well-being and all decisions made before, during and after your program. You can refuse to follow any or all recommendations provided in your health guide.
  • What can you expect?
    You will receive a comprehensive health guide tailored to your individual needs. I may recommend herbal treatments, supplements, exercise regimes, dietary or lifestyle changes as well as other types of therapy, such as acupuncture, sound healing or counselling, which may be helpful.
  • What is my role as your Holistic Health Coach?
    I am a holistic health coach and nutritional advisor. My objective is to help you achieve optimum health and vitality consistent with your own goals. Nutrition and herbal medicines are my primary specialty and represent my area of expertise. I believe that the human body is an amazing fully developed ecosystem that is self-healing. I consider you the client as a whole and consult healthy lifestyle changes unique to your needs to foster an increased state of balance and health, thus maximizing your body's self-healing and optimal functioning capabilities. I help you encourage your body’s natural capacity to restore balance, health, and harmony.
  • Am I a qualified health coach?
    Yes. I have studied and obtained with distinction an International Diploma in both Nutrition and Herbal Medicine through the Blackford Institute. I have also been initiated in the First Degree of the Usui and Tibetan system of Natural Healing and qualified as a 2nd Degree Reiki Practitioner. I have been approved for registration as a Natural Health Practitioner by The South African Natural Health Practitioners’ Board (SANHPB).
  • Am I a medical doctor?
    No. I am NOT a Medical Doctor or a licensed physician. I do not diagnose, treat directly or claim to cure disease. Nor do I advise about pharmaceuticals and medications at any time. If I feel that your needs and desires are beyond the scope of my training and expertise, I will refer you to another practitioner. I support and encourage your right to consult any other practitioner, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. I also recommend that you inform your doctor that you are receiving treatment in holistic health and nutrition.
  • Are your records safe with me?
    Yes! All client records are confidential. I hold all the information gathered and discussed with you in strict confidence. You may request that your health information be disclosed to another practitioner or healthcare provider.
  • Can you still see a doctor or other practitioners?
    Yes, and I recommend. I believe that there are many forms of healing and that they can work together. Healing includes many facets, such as where things went wrong, symptoms and diagnosis, treatments, supportive care, correction of malfunctioning, strengthening of weak, recovering from disease and improvement for the future. Different healing forms can work for different facets.
  • Are wellness consultations face to face?
    Yes, but it doesn’t have to be in person. Consultations are held via Skype/Zoom. In person consultations will be available again post pandemic (Covid-19).
  • What days can you book a wellness consultation?
    I only do consultations on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The rest of the days I work on developing your Health Guide.
  • How do you book a wellness consultation?
    All consultations and follow-ups will be scheduled in advance through Picktime, an online scheduling platform. Tap on a “Book Now” pink button on my website, follow the steps, select a date and time, fill in your details and wait to hear from me personally via email.
  • Are herbs safe?
    Yes, most of them are. Our bodies recognise that herbs come from nature, same as we do, and therefore respond to them in a positive manner. The historical record as well as modern research indicate that herbs most often used for healthcare have an exceptional safety record. However, adverse events can occur after using any active substance. The most common issues associated with herbs are negative herb-drug interactions. It is your responsibility to fully disclose any medications you currently use, including herbs and supplements so that you can be offered informed advice. Any suggestion that the effect of a drug is being altered by the simultaneous use of a herb should be reported directly to all health professionals involved. Herbs should not be used in pregnancy or lactation without expert advice, and if you are to become pregnant, you should stop taking herbs until advice is received. It is also advisable to stop taking herbs at least 72 hours before any surgical operation, and/or in the event of being prescribed anticoagulants, antiepileptic drugs, and digoxin.
  • Why is food medicine?
    Your body is made up of many molecules that are obtained from the food you eat. This means that, what you eat, you become. When you feed your body with the correct nutrients, it will function correctly and be healthier with greater resistance to disease or malfunction. Did you know that 98% of your body regenerates itself within one year? If you eat healthy for one year, you will have an almost completely new and healthier body by the end of the year. Eating healthy even has the potential to reverse some diseases or ill health.
  • Can you reschedule your wellness consultation?
    Yes you can. Rescheduling of consultations will be allowed provided the request is made at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. You can do this on Picktime.
  • Can you cancel your wellness consultation?
    Yes you can. However, consultations canceled without providing a 24-hour notice will be charged an insufficient notice fee of R400 for new consultations and R250 for follow-up consultations.
  • What should you do if there are changes to your medical protocol?
    Please advise me of any changes in your medical protocol as well as your wellbeing or health. E-mail is the most efficient. If your medical protocol is going to change completely, please set up a follow-up consultation as soon as possible so I can address these changes appropriately.
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